The World's First Cover for the Smartphone Screen

For a more balanced and mindful life


Cover your phone
Recover your freedom

Do you sometimes unlock your phone "just because" ?

Bring Intention and Mindfulness to Your Phone Use

1 – Visual reminder


2 – Set an Intention


3 – Remove the ReCover


4 – Use the Phone mindfully


5 – Be Free

Learn more about the reversible cover

Our BLog

Sharing the ideas and ideals behind reCover

Sick of Being Hooked to Your Phone?

Do you frequently get the urge to check your phone without even knowing why? And then find yourself scrolling mindlessly until all of a sudden 20 minutes have passed?


Do you often unlock your phone even when you are busy doing something else?


If you want to quit these habits in the long-term, we’ve got you covered.

Cover Your Phone to Abandon

Unhealthy Habits


Empty Pleasures

ReCover Your Freedom

Reclaim your Free Will

We have become like puppets of tech companies which heavily drive our behaviour to monetize our attention and time.


They exploit our natural weakness to seek feelings of reward triggered by dopamine, and they design the technological environment to keep us hooked.

Regain Control over Your Actions

ReCover will help you create a healthier relationship with your smartphone, one in which you are in control.


You will be able to make conscious decisions on when and how you want to use your phone – free of your impulses.


ReCover allows you to limit your smartphone use to interactions with intention.  Live with actions that serve clear and specific purposes for you.


Less automatic and unconscious phone use means more time to focus on the things that truly matter.

Benefits of ReCover

Mental Health


Sleep Quality

Healthier Digital Habits

Be More Present

Make More Memories

ReCover Ambassadors

Warriors for Change

Systemic Coach
Jop Janssen
Jop Janssen
Hybrid Athlete

Click on their pictures to see what the ambassadors do.

Be the first one to know once the ReCovers are available for sale.


We will not spam you with anything else 😉

Did You Know That...

Contrary to the common belief that smartphone notifications are distracting, only 11% of the engagements with our smartphones are triggered by notifications.
This means we unlock our phone about 150 times a day
On average, we spend 3 hours and 46 minutes on our phones daily